Dolciaria Cerasani

The Cerasani confectionery is an established company that boasts an experience of over half a century. The quality and the seriousness, together with the passion for the job, represent the "ingredients" on which the business philosophy of the Cerasani family is based. The company's history began in the 1950s when grandfather Attilio Cerasani opened a small wood-fired oven for baking. At that time, bread is the most widespread and indispensable food, and besides being necessary to feed one's family, it is an idea to earn a living honestly. Over the years, tastes begin to refine and customers, who have become numerous, require increasingly special products that are more closely linked to the "Abruzzo" tradition. Grandfather Attilio then began to bake the first biscuits, first in small quantities which, even if unsold, could be consumed in the family and gradually, given the customers' consent, in ever greater quantities. Therefore, the production of sweets is combined with the production of bread, in compliance with the ancient Abruzzo recipes. Macaroons, torroncini, mostaccioli and above all the "Ferratelle" are the desserts that give rise to the successful history of the Cerasani confectionery.